How work expiry for Pay Per post featured ads?
1- First you need to understand what is Pay Per Post, And how you can setup pay per post.
For that watch this video.
Now We will discuss how expiry work for Pay Per post.
Lets spouse you have set $5 for a single ad post in Automotive categories and you have setup expiry for 10 days.
Now When a user will post ad in this category by selecting pay per post. Now its means this ad will be shown in featured place for 10 days.
After 10 days that ad will be become regular ad, Now on this ad , regular ad expiry function will work.
So if you have set expiry 30 days for regular ads, Then this pay per post ad will be live on your website for 30 days.
10 days in featured ads, And 20 days in regular ads.
After that, Ad will be expire, Now this is regular ad and if you have turned on re-list, Then sure user can re-list that ad, But that will be regular ad, Not featured ads.
For this settings come to WordPress Dashboard --> Classiera Options --> Ads Manager --> Regular ads --> Ad Expiry Status --> (Trash, Expired).
If you select “Trash”, then a user ad will be moved to Trash and the user will not be able to restore the ad. But if you choose to select “Expired”, then the user can restore their ad any time.